
Mid Hudson Astronomers to Hold Public Star Party

On Friday, May 3, the Mid-Hudson Astronomical Association is sponsoring a star party for members and the general public. The event, which will occur at the Lake Taghkanic State Park, will take place from 8 PM until later in the evening.

All are invited to enjoy the night sky away from the bright lights of the towns and cities in our area! The night will be dark - perfect for star gazing. Observers can bring their own telescopes and binoculars or use those provided by our members. A telescope is not required.

Gemini will be visible early, and Leo will be dominating the night sky, along with Ursa Major (which includes the Big Dipper). Hercules will be rising towards the end of the evening. "Galaxy Season" will be in full swing. The famous Leo Triplet should be visible both through the eyepiece and live-stacked on a screen.

Image by Michael Goldstein, MHAA

Telescope operators arrive about 30 minutes early to set up. Observing begins about an hour after sunset and will probably end around 11:30 PM, or whenever club members decide. All will take place at the park's West Beach parking lot.

In the event of cloudy skies the event will be postponed until Saturday or canceled.  Registered attendees will be emailed and the MHAA MeetUp site will be edited accordingly

Participants should bring a mask in case others nearby ask them to be worn or for their own protection when near otners.

Participants *MUST* RSVP with their car's make, model, and license plate number at least one day beforehand at the group's Meetup site by going to .This info is required by and sent to Park management, the State Police, and the State Park Police because the participants are there after park hours.

For further info text or call Jack Chastain at 845 430 6851 or Tim Denman at 845 245 5483.