Farmers markets offer a variety of fruits, vegetables and other local goods

Posted 5/22/24

Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus reminds residents that along with warmer weather and longer days, farmer’s market season is here.

The rich bounty of our region’s plentiful …

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Farmers markets offer a variety of fruits, vegetables and other local goods


Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus reminds residents that along with warmer weather and longer days, farmer’s market season is here.

The rich bounty of our region’s plentiful agricultural resources can be found at these open-air markets. Several markets opened this week, with many more opening in the coming days and most operating weekly through October or November.

“Shopping at farmers markets is a great way to support the local economy,” Neuhaus said. “These markets are important to our farming families and provide us with fresh, healthy produce, so important to our families, too. I hope residents will continue to support our local farm stands and markets this summer and fall.”

Countywide, there are more than a dozen markets to explore when the season is in full swing. Each has its own unique offerings and variety of vendors who take pride in their homegrown products. In addition to farm-fresh fruits and vegetables, there is a wide array of artisan dairy products, gourmet prepared foods, adult craft beverages, honey, locally raised meats, cut flowers, live plants, and more available for purchase. Many markets also feature live music to set the mood for a fun, family-friendly, shopping experience.

Make it a point to buy local and shop Orange County’s farmers markets this season. You’ll be sure to discover new, tasty and healthy treats while supporting our hard-working farm community.

Farmers markets support a nearly $100-million-dollar agricultural industry in Orange County, stimulating the local economy and creating jobs. Approximately 13 percent of the County’s land is farmland and over 7,000 acres are used in vegetable production, which is the fourth largest in the state.

“Farmers markets offer a great way to eat healthy and meet our neighbors who are growing the produce that we put on our tables for our families,” Neuhaus added.

For a full listing of Orange County farms and farmers markets, visit