Anita Vandermark
By Anita Vandermark
I’m so proud of the Walden Veterans Memorial Park Committee and all who attended and participated in the 13th Annual Veterans Day 2023 Ceremony to pay tribute to our veterans.
The congregation who attended was one of the largest groups to participate. Thirty-five new bricks were dedicated and 347 rededicated during this special ceremony. It is truly an honor to salute our Veterans and thank them for their service to our country. God bless our Veterans and the United States of America.
Catholic Conversations will meet in Father Sullivan Hall on Thursday, November 30 at 7 p.m. This discussion will center around “What is a Just War”. For more information, call Larry and Jean Winum at 845-778-1602.
Guardian Self Storage sends a sincere thank you to everyone who donated to their annual coat drive; 447 coats were collected in Orange County. All coats stay in Orange County. Hats, scarves and gloves were also collected. Great work, everyone.
George’s Fuel, 1041A Route 52, Walden continues to hold an indoor yard sale, Monday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. All proceeds will be donated to the Walden Historical Society. Find many new and old items - holiday decor and more.
Walden Rotary Club members send Happy Birthday greetings to Mike Hayes on November 25;
Willie Carley on November 26; Rita Santo on November 27 and send Happy Anniversary wishes to Francoise and Patrick Pierre on November 23.
Walden Sunshine Society sends Happy Birthday greetings to Yvonne Moretti on November 29 and thank her for all she does for this great organization.
Family and friends send “Happy Birthday” greetings to my brother, Lenny Portuondo on November 27 and my “sister”, Kathy Portuondo on November 28. Enjoy!
There are a few tickets available for adults over 55 to sign up for the Village of Walden Senior trip for Jimmy Sturr’s “The Magic of Christmas” with special guests “The Drifters” on Saturday, December 2. 2023, 3 p.m. at the Paramount Theatre. Sign up at the Anita L. Vandermark Community Center. Cost is $30 per person.
Tickets include the show and bus transportation. Bus departs at 1:30 from the Walden Firehouse parking lot for the 3 p.m. show, and returns at 6:15 p.m. to Walden. Please contact Lauren at (845) 778-2177 ext. 1527.
Veteran & Military Rally point will hold a special free holiday lunch on Saturday, December 2, noon - 2 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Church Hall, 15 Walnut Street, Walden. This special event is dedicated to local service members and veterans.
This in-person gathering is a fantastic opportunity to connect, share stories and show support. Whether you’ve served or are currently serving. For information email:
The Walden Fire Department will host a Winter Craft Fair on Sunday, December 3, 12 noon - 4 p.m. in the Firehouse Social Hall. Thirty vendors will be on site with a variety of homemade and personalized gifts as well as baked goods. Fire Department members will sell food and hot/cold beverages. Santa will also stop by for a photo op.
Also visit the Jacob T. Walden House, 34 North Montgomery Street, Walden, December 3, 1 - 4 p.m. for their free Christmas Tea. The house will be decorated. There will be a fire in the fireplace, tea and cookies served and you will be entertained with Christmas music courtesy of renowned musician Kevin Cronin. Time to prepare for the holiday season.
The Josephine-Louise Public Library sends the following news
The Drop-In Lego Club is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28. Drop in any time between 3:30 - 6 p.m. and create your own masterpiece or build something spectacular with friends. We have plenty of Legos for everyone.
Our “Stampin’ Up” Club Workshop will be held on Tuesday, December 5, 6 p.m. Register by calling the library (845)778-7621 or stop by at the Main Circulation Desk.
There will be a Holiday Tea Party for children on Tuesday, December 12. We will have two sessions: 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for all ages.
The Library will be closed Thursday November 23 and Friday, November 24, for Thanksgiving. Next time you are in, remember to pick up our December Calendar.
I wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving.