In the heart of Be’er Sheva, where resilience echoes louder than sirens, Bruria Efune stands as a testament to the unwavering spirit of the Israeli people. Living under constant threat of rocket attacks, she is on a mission to share her experiences and shed light on the challenges faced by families in Southern Israel.
Bruria, a Chabad Rebbetzin and mother of four, will be taking the stage on Tuesday, February 6, at the Kol Yisrael Social Hall in Newburgh. The event, a joint project of Chabad of Eastern Orange County and the Newburgh Jewish Community Center, promises an intimate journey into her world, from the confines of her family’s bomb shelter to her daring missions to assist soldiers inside Gaza.
In a riveting lecture beginning at 7 p.m., Efune shares her experiences as a mother and activist living under fire in Southern Israel. Her stories will take you from her family’s bomb shelter on the morning of October 7, to her missions to help soldiers inside Gaza.
The event will not only be a lecture but a communal gathering, with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. for refreshments and assembling care packages for those affected.
To attend, RSVP at and be part of an evening that goes beyond borders, connecting people worldwide with the struggles and triumphs of those living under fire. Bruria Efune’s story is not just one woman’s tale; it’s a collective narrative of strength, love, and determination against all odds.