A proposed project, Stowaway Self Storage Expansion, located at 580 Toleman Road in Rock Tavern, seeks the expansion of the existing storage facility site. The storage facility would see the addition of eight more buildings, a total of 112,150 square feet to the site further inward from New York State Route 207. The project appeared before the planning board on Wednesday, October 11.
At the site today, seven buildings currently exist for self storage. The project had previously appeared before the planning board, had held and closed a public hearing on the matter and was in the process of a State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) determination. However, a moratorium was placed on development back in 2020. This was the year the pandemic first started.
The New Windsor Town Board, according to Shawn Arnott of MHE Engineering, had also changed the zoning of that particular area from residential to O/LI (Office/Limited Industrial). With that zoning change, litigation occurred over the change but was eventually settled.
The site plan presented to the planning board on Wednesday night now includes buildings in different lengths to the existing structures, and variances were acquired for the sprinkler requirements. Business hours will need to be clarified by the applicant as there were questions about lighting of the site. Pietrzak and Pfau Engineering & Surveying, PLLC are representing the project.
Comments prepared by Shawn Arnott of MHE Engineering note that within the site are two lots that would need consolidation that would either need a lot line change or would be pursued via the town assessors office. Lighting for the site will need to be reviewed and wetlands will need to be re-delineated as the project has been there for more than five years. Curbing will need to be clarified, the driveway location should be reviewed by the town’s highway superintendent, fence locations will need to be identified, retaining wall construction details will need to be included and the plan will need to be reviewed by the Orange County Planning Department as the project is adjacent to a state road.