Moreau named Deputy Supervisor in New Windsor

By Alberto Gilman
Posted 1/17/24

The Town of New Windsor conducted its first reorganizational meeting on Wednesday, January 10 led by newly elected Town Supervisor Stephen Bedetti.

Councilman Steven Moreau was appointed by …

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Moreau named Deputy Supervisor in New Windsor


The Town of New Windsor conducted its first reorganizational meeting on Wednesday, January 10 led by newly elected Town Supervisor Stephen Bedetti.

Councilman Steven Moreau was appointed by Bedetti as Deputy Supervisor that night and will serve until December 31, 2024.

Alongside Bedetti on Wednesday were newly elected councilman Charles Broe, newly elected Town Clerk Patricia Clarino, re-elected Councilwoman Sylvia Santiago, Councilman Moreau and Councilwoman Eve Lincoln. Moreau’s set salary as deputy supervisor will be $2,500 for the year.

For 2024, Supervisor Bedetti will serve as liaison to the ambulance and the police department.

Lincoln will serve as liaison to the assessor’s office, the recreation department and the sewer department. Broe will serve as liaison to the buildings and grounds department, the justice court and the Newburgh School District. Santiago will serve as liaison to the comptroller’s office, the senior citizens and water department. Moreau will serve as liaison to the highway department and planning/zoning boards and building department.

The town board approved the 2024 Ethics Board Disclosure Form, appointed Nancy Wilkins as Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Police Chief Daniel Valeri was appointed as the Emergency Management Director for 2024. Glenn Marshall was appointed for 2024 as the town’s historian and Marshall and Deputy Town Clerk Kathleen Mackey were appointed for 2024 to serve on the Records Advisory Board.

For 2024, Bedetti was approved for all administrative duties for New Windsor which include day-to-day administration and supervision of New Winsdor’s town and special district facilities and employees.

Town Attorney David Zagon was appointed as the town’s delegate to attend the Annual Business Session of the Association of Towns of the State of New York. This appointment includes the casting of a vote for New Windsor for electing a president, five vice presidents and voting on the Association’s annual legislative platform. Bedetti was appointed as an alternate should Zagon not be able to perform his duties.

The town voted to retain the services of accounting firm Nugent & Haeussler, P.C. to conduct the town’s annual audit and approved a municipal advisor services agreement with Munistat Services, Inc. The services provided by Munistat are related to the issuance of debt.

Official town depositories were designated as JP Morgan Chase Bank, Manufacturers & Traders Trust Company, Orange County Bancoro., Inc., Capital One Bank N.A., NYLAF (New York Liquid Asset Fund) and NYCLASS (New York Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System).

The town board authorized Bedetti to sign all checks and for Town Comptroller Doreen Casey to countersign. The supervisor and comptroller are also permitted to use electronic and/or facsimile signatures. The town supervisor and town comptroller were approved to open Time Deposit Accounts and Day of Withdrawals with town depositories for the purpose of investing idle funds.

The board adopted the prepared Investment Policies and Guidelines document for 2024 which applies to all moneys and other financial resources available for investment on behalf of the town or another entity or individual. The investment policy details the local government’s operative policy and certain instructions to officers and staff with regards to the investing, monitoring and reporting of funds. The town board also approved the 2024 Procurement Policy for New Windsor which mainly deals with the purchasing of goods and services.

The 2024 Standard Schedule of Fees was also adopted and include the following: planning board fees; zoning board of appeals fees; buildings and inspection fees; highway department fees and work permits; petition to amend zoning fees; park and playground fees; sanitation fees; police fees; fire inspector fees; dog licensing fees; municipal certification fees; demolition permit fees; town clerk fees; assessor’s certified list of real property owners fees; towing fees and rates; water rates and fees; emergency medical service fees; miscellaneous rates; cemetery fees and film, filmmaking or film activity fees. Each fee is available on the town website for public review.

David Zagon was appointed as the town attorney for 2024, Doreen Casey was appointed as the town comptroller for 2024 and a salary of $90 per meeting for clerical assistance at evening board meetings in 2024 was set and was to be paid from the General Fund.

Dominic Cordisco was appointed as the town’s planning board attorney and Michael J. Price was re-appointed to the planning board with his term to expire December 31, 2028. James R. Smith was appointed as a planning board alternate with his term to expire December 31, 2024. The planning board chairman’s salary was set at $115 per meeting with planning board members’ salary set at $80 per meeting.

Veronica McMillan was appointed the town’s zoning board attorney for 2024. Broe abstained from voting as his son works as an intern in the Westchester office of McMillian’s firm. Elaine Perdomo was appointed as a member to the town’s zoning board of appeals with a term to expire December 31, 2028. The zoning board of appeals chair’s salary was set at $115 a meeting and the salary for zoning board members was set at $80 a meeting.

The salary for the chairman and secretary of the Assessment Board of Review was set at $95 per meeting and salary for members of the Assessment Board of Review was set at $60 per meeting. MHE Engineering D.P.C. was retained for 2024 and the town board approved an agreement for engineering services. Quality Environmental Solutions & Technologies, Inc. was appointed as the town’s environmental consultant for 2024. An agreement between the town and Partners in Safety was approved for the administration of drug and alcohol testing of town employees for 2024.

The set mileage rate for town officials and employees was approved at 67 cents per mile. The Mid Hudson Times was approved as the town’s official newspaper for 2024.
The town board authorized that the same benefits for town employees covered under the Civil Service Employees Association be applied to the clerk to the supervisor, the deputy town clerk, the confidential secretary to the highway superintendent and deputy receiver of taxes. These positions are not covered by labor/management agreements or individual employment contracts. The New Windsor Volunteer Ambulance Corps., Inc. 2024 rate schedule was also approved and is available for public review.

Policies adopted by the town board include the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Policy, which outlines that businesses of this type have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in Department of Transportation assisted contracts.

Bedetti was appointed as the town’s Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator for 2024 and the Grievance Procedure Under the Americans with Disabilities Act was also adopted. This outlines the process for those wishing to file complaints alleging discrimination based on disability.