The Newburgh City Council approved the proposal with LaBella Associates, D.P.C. to perform additional groundwater sampling, reporting and periodic review at the Consolidated Iron Superfund Site in the City of Newburgh. The proposal was approved during the regular city council meeting on Monday, February 13 at City Hall.
During the city work session on Thursday, February 9, City Engineer Jason Morris stated that the cost of the testing was in the amount of $6,500, and the funding will come from the City of Newburgh’s 2023 Operating Budget to cover the cost. “In years past, we have used the Chazen Companies as the engineering firm to conduct this required annual sampling,” said Morris. “The LaBella Group has purchased the Chazen Companies so that’s why this year we’re proceeding with LaBella. It’s essentially the same firm, just a different name.”
Councilman Bob Sklarz inquired of Morris about the possibility of potential development on the site. Morris stated that the site is available for development but that decision was up to the city council. Councilman Omari Shakur also inquired about the need for the testing if the land is available for development to which Morris stated that the testing and cleanup is the responsibility of the city and will help in the determination of contaminant levels on the site.
Corporation Counsel Michelle Kelson also provided further clarification for the council on the site development. “It’s a monitoring requirement, it doesn’t mean that the site is not remediated or that there’s any further issue with it. It’s basically a monitoring requirement,” said Kelson. “When the council’s ready to talk about whether and how to develop that site, we’re happy to have that discussion with you.”
Chief of Staff Michael Neppl was contacted via email to inquire more about the development considerations. “The testing and site monitoring that will be conducted in 2023 is consistent with previous years testing and monitoring operations implemented at the conclusion of remedial cleanup operations in 2010,” said Neppl. “The City is required to sample the on-site groundwater wells and inspect the site’s soil cover on an annual basis and report the findings to the NYSDEC and EPA. Development of the site is certainly possible, but the future use and possible development of this property will ultimately be at the discretion of the City Council.”