Newburgh City Council approved a resolution for a Right of Entry agreement to be granted between the City of Newburgh and the United States Department of the Army and other partners to access city owned water supply properties. The properties, which some are located in the Town of New Windsor and Town of Newburgh, are in connection to the on-going remediation of the water contaminated with PFAS, also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
The water contamination, which occurred back in 2016, of Washington Lake was a result of firefighting foam used at Stewart Air National Guard Base. Washington Lake once served as the main source of drinking water for the city. The properties accessed, according to Corporation Counsel Michelle Kelson, would only be for city-owned properties. Privately owned properties would need to meet and establish agreements with the groups looking to access the properties.
Kelson said there will be a meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26 at the Newburgh Free Library for the Stewart Air National Guard Base (ANGB) Restoration Advisory Board (RAB).