Letter to the Editor

Julie Shiroishi for the Senate

By John Lown, Maybrook
Posted 10/26/22

Julie knows the inner workings of the NY state legislature. She did an exemplary job up in Albany as Jonathan Jacobson’s chief-of-staff. Not a novice and wasting no time, if elected, Julie will …

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Letter to the Editor

Julie Shiroishi for the Senate


Julie knows the inner workings of the NY state legislature. She did an exemplary job up in Albany as Jonathan Jacobson’s chief-of-staff. Not a novice and wasting no time, if elected, Julie will hit the ground running. With her experience in the state legislature, private sector and as a working mom, Julie knows and shares our values in the Hudson Valley and will work vigorously to give those values a voice up in Albany.  With an untiring work ethic she is ready to roll up her sleeves to properly address the issues of concern; on Julie’s radar are reproductive rights, gun violence, climate change, school funding and inflation. A strong advocate for public education that leads to prosperous futures, Julie’s focus is on creating a pathway from our schools to good-paying jobs, jobs that provide a decent standard of living. Julie is more than ready to tackle and fight for the local issues of import facing district residents. She is a staunch proponent of affordable childcare, adequate senior care and affordable housing. Workforce housing is high on Julie’s priority list. If elected to the state senate seat in the 39th district, Julie has the platform that represents well its constituents.

At a time when the political divide is wide with democracy and our rights under attack, politics-as-usual can not rule the day. We need someone who has the integrity, honesty and leadership to meet and overcome the challenges we face in the 39th district and NY state. That person is Democratic candidate Julie Shiroishi. She has my vote and I hope yours on November 8.