Pine Bush School board hears about capital projects

Posted 1/22/25

At its January 14 meeting the Pine Bush school board received an extensive list of capital projects that residents will consider for approval March 4.

Joseph Lenz, Assistant Superintendent for …

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Pine Bush School board hears about capital projects


At its January 14 meeting the Pine Bush school board received an extensive list of capital projects that residents will consider for approval March 4.

Joseph Lenz, Assistant Superintendent for Business, outlined the $52 million Proposition #1 and the $27 million Proposition #2. The district will pay for Proposition #1 with its capital reserve fund and thus there will not be additional cost to taxpayers. The cost for Proposition #2 will be approximately $100 annually for owners of $500,000 homes.

Proposition #1 projects include fire alarm and network upgrades, and roof restoration in all seven schools. Lenz said an exciting project will be a new athletic field complex, which will be surrounded by an eight-lane track. The proposition also includes improvements to the high school kitchen and cafeteria. Lenz noted that the breakfast program has grown enormously and now serves 600 breakfasts daily.

Proposition #2 projects include air conditioning in all cafeterias and gyms, updated science and art classrooms, and renovation of the high school auditorium.

Amy Brockner, Interim Superintendent of Schools, outlined the district’s suicide response plan. The plan includes three components: Prevention, Intervention and Postvention, which aims to avoid suicide contagion. The district’s response includes a Critical Incident and Stress Management Plan. Brockner emphasized that those close to suicide victims should not consider such incidents their fault.

Brockner also described a recent program held at Edward J. Russell Elementary School. The Siegel Trust Enriching Arts & Music Program used the John Lennon Real Love Project to increase self-esteem. Students composed their own lyrics and sang them to Lennon’s music. Brockner hopes to introduce the program to the district’s other elementary schools next year.

Gretchen Meier announced that the district is beginning its search for a new superintendent. The deadline for applications is February 14.

Brockner launched a discussion about adding one or two student representatives to the school board by July 1. The board will continue to discuss criteria for choosing representatives at its next meeting January 28.