NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 3, Subchapter 3 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, a Real Property A&D Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 10:00 AM. The Public Hearing will be held via Conference Call. Call-in #: 646-992-2010, Access Code: 717-876-299. REAL PROPERTY PUBLIC HEARING in the matter of the acquisition by the City of New York of a permanent easement (Easement) on the following real estate in the County of Orange for the purposes of construction, operation and maintenance of the Rondout West Branch Bypass Tunnel, as part of the New York City water supply system: NYC ID County Municipality Type Tax Lot ID Acres (+/-) 10092 Orange Newburgh Easement N/A (Hudson River) 3.50 ac. A copy of the Mayor’s Preliminary Certificate of Adoption and a map of the real estate interests to be acquired are available for public inspection upon request. Please call 914-749-5410. In order to access the Public Hearing and testify, please call 646-992-2010, Access Code: 717-876-299 no later than 9:55 AM. If you need further accommodations, please let us know at least five business days in advance of the Public Hearing via e-mail at .

Posted 9/12/2024