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1935 results total, viewing 1921 - 1935
Charles Freni, the embattled Chief Executive Officer of Central Hudson has heeded the calls for him to step down in the wake of a wide range of consumer complaints stemming from unresolved billing … more
Resolution No. 6 of 2023 was unanimously adopted at last Thursday’s meeting of the Ulster County Legislature’s Standing Committee on Laws, Rules & Government Services. This Resolution … more
Last Saturday Dave and Chrissy Pulliam held a ceremonial ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the opening of their new business in Marlboro, called CD Lighting Showroom. Dave said the new store, … more
The Ulster County Planning Board [UCPB] weighed in on the proposed Villages project, planned for the west side of Route 9W opposite the Bridgeview Shopping Plaza in the Town of Lloyd. When any … more
Ulster County Executive Jen Metzger announced today that she has appointed Interim Director of Ulster County Area Transit (UCAT) Toni Roser to formally take on the full role as Director of the … more
The owner of Mary Jane’s Dairy Bar in Middle Hope is vowing to open on time for the season, despite an unexpected visitor on Saturday. It was approximately 4:53 p.m. on Saturday when a car … more
Several dozen members of the Orange County Taxi Driver Association appeared before the Newburgh City Council on Monday, February 13, with concerns over the increase in ticketing by the City of … more
Engineering firm Clark Patterson Lee (CPL) and the construction management firm the Palombo Group appeared before the Newburgh Board of Education and the greater Newburgh public and presented an … more
Engineering firm Clark Patterson Lee (CPL) has completed 30 percent of the design update on the Delano Hitch Aquatic Center. CPL returned before the Newburgh City Council during their regular work … more
The Montgomery Free Library has long served residents in the Montgomery area, but after cutting hours and a price increase in books, they’re asking the board for financial help. Currently … more
Former Village of Walden trustee and Village Justice Gerald Mishk Jr. is hoping to get back into local government. Mishk is running against Mayor John Ramos in the upcoming 2023 election in hopes … more
Without any substantial comment, the Gardiner Town Board voted unanimously to reject the Awosting Club’s campground license at its February 7 meeting. Supervisor Marybeth Majestic took the … more
The old Ford dealership in Crawford is going to be the new home to a tattoo shop and a custom car hobby shop. How? A wall in the middle of the building. The idea comes from Brian and Ashley … more
Village trustees in Walden have been discussing a new tow fee policy to hopefully encourage residents to park in all the right places. Though most trustees are on board with having a new policy, some … more
The Newburgh community is mourning the loss of Frederica Warner, founder of Meals on Wheels of Greater Newburgh and a beloved lifelong city resident. She died Tuesday at the age of 101. more
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