By Mici Simonofsky, Marlboro
Maribeth Wooldridge-King is a dynamo for getting things done. I have watched her interest in serving on the Town Board grow resulting in her tireless campaign for election. She has done so with her friendly smile, her engaging personality and her dogged determination to let people know she will work hard for the issues that matter to them the most. She is organized and competent. She approaches all with attention and concerned regard, respect for the individual and their opinions and forthright honest conversation on issues. I urge you to go to her website to read her impressive story and see for yourself how she will work for you. PLEASE VOTE FOR MARIBETH!
Besides voting for all Row A candidates, I especially urge you to TURN THE BALLOT OVER and vote on all of the proposals. As a member of the Charter Revision Commission, I can assure you that the two County proposals deserve a YES vote. The Comptroller issue, especially, requires your attention to codify the ability of the Comptroller’s office to obtain all records in order to perform the duties of the office, and do so in a timely, complete, and dependable manner, thus safeguarding the taxpayers’ money.
Lastly, please support our library by voting yes on Marlborough Town Resolution 2. Our children and citizens depend on the programs they present and this small increase in their budget deserves a YES.