By Ted Millar, Marlborough Democratic Committee Chair, Marlboro
The Marlborough Democratic Committee would like to congratulate the town Republican candidates nominated at their recent caucus.
We are, however, a bit conflicted over the dig County Legislator Tom Corcoran apparently took at us for “choosing not to hold a caucus.” On the one hand, it’s flattering Mr. Corcoran would acknowledge Marlborough’s Democrats at an exclusively Republican event. But to do so at such an inappropriate time demonstrates he prefers distortions to score cheap political points.
As I stated to reporter Mark Reynolds two years ago when Mr. Corcoran first attacked the MDC about legally switching to a petition process, it is disconcerting when the public doesn’t know the difference between the two processes and our county legislator repeats information that could potentially mislead the public about them.
Contrary to Mr. Corcoran’s claim we “hand pick” who we want “and get 60 signatures of family and friends,” the petition process involves registered Democrats knocking on doors all over Marlborough and asking residents to put their faith in candidates requiring a percentage of signatures to appear on November ballots. This year we obtained over 150. A caucus, though, trusts that politically motivated people are going to take time out of their busy lives to report to a designated location to nominate candidates. The difference is, we come to voters; they don’t come to us. By reaching out to registered Democrats, we contact more than those at in-person caucuses.
I am curious to know if at least 150 people attend the Republican caucus.