Letter to the Editor

The Pride Flag

By Ted Millar, Milton
Posted 6/8/23

Last year for Pride Month, the Marlborough town board made a progressive decision to fly the pride flag outside town hall.

Apparently that was a bridge too far for some local residents.

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Letter to the Editor

The Pride Flag


Last year for Pride Month, the Marlborough town board made a progressive decision to fly the pride flag outside town hall.

Apparently that was a bridge too far for some local residents.

There are enormous conflicts with which we deal today. The climate emergency threatens planetary life; growing anti-Semitism and anti-immigrant xenophobia are at their worst in a century; the economy tries to claw back from a global pandemic; some states race to suppress votes ahead of next year’s presidential election; China monitors Russia’s war on Ukraine for inspiration for a possible invasion of Taiwan; mass shootings outpace days in a year; corporate profits harken back to the Gilded Age; and school boards ban books by authors of color in order to “protect children.”

So it’s interesting how some of our neighbors feel the town board’s “wanton display of contempt for many of its own citizens” in recognizing the town’s LGBTQ+ residents is such an egregious affront to “traditionally-minded residents,” compliments of the “radical left.”

How the “pro-police flag” will somehow remedy the injury the pride flag obviously triggers is an intriguing prospect.        

In recognition of our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters – fellow residents – I hope the Marlborough town board chooses to fly the pride flag again this year –and every year.