By Mark Reynolds
On January 14 the Highland Board of Education hired Brandon Opitz as the Principal of Highland High School, effective February 4, 2025. Opitz has been serving as the Assistant Principal and is replacing Kevin Murphy who recently resigned.
Opitz’s salary is $125,000, pro-rated and his probationary period will run from February 4, 2025 through February 3, 2029.
Opitz said serving as the Acting Principal helped prepare him for the position of Principal.
“I had a lot of support from Central Administration and the staff here at the High School to take on that role.” Opitz said, adding that interviews for Assistant Principal will begin soon.
Opitz welcomed the support from the Administration and teaching staff.
“They are really trying to create a smooth transition for me in my new role and as the new building leader here at the high school.” he said.
Opitz singled out Asst. Supt. for Curriculum & Instruction William Zimmer; Asst. Supt. for Pupil Personnel Services & Human Resources Dr. Patrick Boyd; District Superintendent Joel Freer and retired administrator Debra Kelley for their assistance.
“The all have been super-supportive and we have been collaborating on a lot of different things and for me to get their feedback has made it a very smooth transition,” he said. “I am very happy to have them to lean on and my staff, who have been very supportive as well.”
Opitz is a SUNY Cortlandt graduate and completed a Masters Degree online with Emporia State University and attended SUNY New Paltz to attain his Administration Degree. Prior to going into Administration he was a Physical Education teacher in Wappingers Falls for seven years.
Opitz said a few Administrators in his former district, “were very supportive of my department and me and all the things I was doing in that role, such as coaching and leading a lot initiatives there. They suggested I go into Administration and thought I would be good at it. I eventually made the jump in and I haven’t looked back since. I really love the idea of helping people on a larger scale, looking at things differently and being able to see the whole picture. Every day is different, every day is a challenge, but there are rewards that come with it because it does involve a lot of responsibility, so I’m happy to help the students, my staff and the community.”
Opitz noted a few of his assets.
“I think that my ability to multi-task and to really rely on the strong support around me are huge. Being able to work well with such great staff members here in the high school is what is going to make this building successful.” He said serving as the Assistant Principal helped him, “to know the staff, know our students, know the needs of the community and the direction the high school is trying to go; I think I am able to build on that.”
Opitz is excited to serve as the High School Principal in an educational system that his own children will be educated.
“It’s nice to have the opportunity to be here and connect with families and continue to move the school forward in a positive direction,” he said.