Calvert Yaun (c) celebrated his 9th birthday recently.
By Dae Vitale
Greetings from River City. I am taking a moment out from the blood and mayhem of the world’s horrors, to wish my dear beloveds, my son Christian (November 21) and grandson Nicholas (November 18) most happy birthday greetings. They have blessed our lives with all the joy and happiness that precious loved ones can give. May God bless, guide, and protect you from all harm on each and every day, always and forever, my Dearest Darling Boys. Happy birthday Chris add Nicholas!
Please, if you will, offer prayers for dear Nora who is at home with Hospice.
Washington 2024 Project: They are looking for 15 riders/actors to create original plays based on historical events for this immersive playmaking experience. Learn from historical interpreters, visit and historical site, work with professional theatre makers and make new friends!
Any high school aged student from the Hudson Valley is welcome to join for this free, flexible, fun, hybrid experience on December 2 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. includes an Historical Site Tour and research session at Washington’s Headquarters, Newburgh, 84 Liberty Street (between Washington and Lafayette Streets.). One to two additional writing sessions, rehearsals and recording sessions based on student availability.
Happy birthday greeting to Calvert Yaun, who celebrated his 9th birthday with what looked like a rather spectacular mountain of doughnuts with a big number 9 on top. May God bless, guide and protect you, always and forever. Happy birthday, Calvert!
Suzanne Dawes invites you to Back Door Books at the Newburgh Free Library, which will be open Saturday, November 18 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. This month they have a selection of books in excellent condition suitable for gift giving (suggested donation slighty higher). All proceeds from Back Door Books support the programs of the Library. There is parking behind the Library on Montgomery Street. Please Note, Cash Only, Please!
Back Door Books is a sale by donation book shop operated by the Friends of the Newburgh Library. It is located behind the library on Montgomery Street. Cash only, please. CDs, DVDs and books on tape are FREE. Save the Date: A special opening on Tuesday, December 5 from 2 - 6 p.m. for those who cannot come on Saturdays.
Upcoming Bagel Hours: Sacred Heart Church, November 26 after 10 a.m. and 12 Noon Masses. Saint Francis pf Assisi Church, December 10 after 8:30 a.m. Mass. Please note: There will be no bagel hour at Sacred Heart for the month of December.
Healing Mass – November 22 at 12 Noon at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 145 Benkard Avenue.
Christmas Advent Concert, on December 3 at 3 p.m. in Sacred Heart Church, 301 Ann Street with coffee and dessert following the concert.
Holy Hour: During Advent Season there will be a Holy Hour on Wednesdays from 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. at one of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish churches, each week, starting Wednesday, December 6.
On Nov. 18 and 19, The Giving Christmas Tree will be set up in the main entrance of St. Francis Church. Please take an angel and bring a gift for a child.
The gifts will be shared with the children of the Deacon Jack Seymour Food Pantry. The distribution of the gifts will take place on December 14 and 15. Please bring the unwrapped gifts to the Church on or before December 10. They thank you in advance for your continued support of their programs. Your thoughtfulness will make the children very happy during this Christmas season.
A heartfelt, “Thank you!” In gratitude to everyone who participated in the 40th Anniversary of Fr. Bill Scafidi November 5. Fr. Bill wishes to thank the committee, the choir and the congregation who made the day so spiritual and special.
Senior Citizen Information and Advent preparation: “The meeting of The Parish of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta Senior Citizens group is being held on Wednesday, December 6. We will have an Advent presentation at Mount Saint Joseph, 64 Presentation Way, New Windsor at 11 a.m., followed by appetizers and dessert at La Casa Vicina on Route. 300. The cost is $25. If you wish to attend, please call Sister Gloria at (845) 670-7630 by Thursday, November 30 and leave a message. Please note: The January meeting is changed to Wednesday, January 10, 2024. This will be a Pot Luck Meeting. Make your favorite recipe and come and enjoy wonderful food and even better company. All are welcome to attend.
In these times of chaos and violence, it seems difficult to feel happy and blessed. Still, if we look, if we try, we can find the blessings in our lives, some of us with more, some of us with fewer but, nevertheless. We need to find the blessings to find the happiness that we need to strengthen and sustain us. I wish you all, each one, to find the blessings in your life. As always, I close with my prayers for God’s blessings on your heads, my dears.