By Mayor James A. Gagliano, Cornwall-on-Hudson
On Monday, the greater Cornwall community gathered to proudly recognize our local military veterans for their service and sacrifice during a formal ceremony hosted by American Legion Post 353. Originally known as Armistice Day – heralding the end of WWI – Veterans Day has been celebrated for 106 years in our great country.
Recently, residents and visitors to Cornwall and Cornwall-on-Hudson may have noticed something. Along select utility poles within the Town and the Village, some of our very own “hometown heroes” have had their visage placed on banners highlighting their branch and service dates. You can observe them along stretches of Hudson Street and Bayview Avenue within Cornwall-on-Hudson and surrounding Veterans Triangle on Main Street within the Town.
An ad hoc committee originally sought to get this program off ground, consisting of elected officials in the Town and Village, as well as the commander of Legion Post 353 and the Greater Cornwall Chamber of Commerce. Following discussions and search for “best practices” from other municipalities’ veterans recognition programs, a most fortuitous event occurred – Regina McGrade, director of development at United Hospice, Inc. and a Cornwall-on-Hudson resident reached out and offered her services.
Ms. McGrade also serves as president of the Greater Newburgh Rotary, which covers greater Cornwall area. Now, “can-do folks” who commit to action versus offering up empty promises remain in short supply. Suffice it to say, this remarkable leader coalesced a number of groups and our “Hometown Hero” military servicemember program moved from abstraction into reality.
While the first fifteen selected included historical heroes connected to area, spanning centuries, all current active-duty servicemembers and those who ETS’ed with honorable discharge will be eligible for inclusion. Please be patient with the process. We expect to have a link available soonest that will ensure the application process is simple to navigate. Also, much credit goes to Walden Savings Bank (Cornwall’s only available brick-and-mortar bank) and its dynamic CEO, Derrik Wynkoop, for generous donation to fund first fifteen banners. It also could not have happened without the generous provision of manpower and time from local master electrician, Raymond Czumak, and his RPC Electric bucket truck crews. And major kudos to the Town’s Highway Department and the Village’s DPW. They never say “no” to asks.
While some residents have expressed frustration that a loved one wasn’t included during preliminary stages -- please be patient. Coordination with Central Hudson for pole selection approvals takes time and effort. But we can’t wait to continue partnership with Greater Newburgh Rotary to roll out full program.
Lastly, anticipate Town/Village Holiday lighted snowflake decorations placed on utility poles soon. Plan is to have decorations hung on November 27th (Wednesday) and then lit on November 29th (Black Friday) – via installed light sensors (for energy savings). This, just in time for Cornwall’s “Shop Small” event and the Village’s tree lighting, both scheduled for November 30 (Saturday), as well as the Town’s tree lighting December 8 (Sunday). Please check the timing of these events on our municipal websites and social media.