The Town of New Windsor Planning Board listed the project known as 251 Walsh Avenue Site Plan as an unlisted action and voted to circulate its intent for lead agency. The proposed project is the removal of an existing building for the new construction of a 21, 285 square foot warehouse with two new loading docks. A height variance was approved by the zoning board in October 2022.
Shawn Arnott of MHE Engineering noted in his comment memo that warehousing is a permitted use within the zone as the project was located in the industrial zoning district. A demolition permit will also be required for the project. Proposed disturbance, a truck turning plan, review of the town’s fire inspector comments will also need to be noted. Monitoring wells on the site will need to be addressed and reviewed by the New York State Department of Conservation according to Arnott.
A proposed sewer service connecting to the existing sewer main in Walsh Road, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan will be required, redesigning of the dumpster enclosure, handicap parking details and retaining wall heights will also need to be addressed.
The planning board addressed the lighting plans for the site, inquired about hours of operation, which were stated from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The planning board was also awaiting a response from the town’s highway superintendent in regards to a right of way turn. The planning board will also need to address the required size of a required fire lane for town projects.